To know the world better, one has to look beyond books. Effective teaching and learning involves seeing, handling and manipulating real objects and materials. Science lab is a workplace for the conduct of scientific research.

We at Som Lalit provide our students a place where they can get hands-on experience of the experiments they have learned from the books.

Som Lalit School has decently designed,spacious, equipped and safe science laboratories. The physics,chemistry and biology labs at Som Lalit School cater to the needs of conducting experiments specified by CBSE.

As many as 20 students can perform a wide range of experiments simultaneously while the teachers are always at hand to provide constant supervision and guidance.

Physics lab

The physics lab is well equipped and provides provision for all the students to conduct their experiments individually.

Chemistry lab

The chemistry lab is well equipped with all the apparatus and chemicals required for practicals for students from classes VI-XII.

Biology lab

The biology lab is well structured with a collection of numbers of animal and plant species for reference and study.

Junior lab

The junior lab provides provisions to demonstrate a variety of experiments.A number of charts and models are displayed and used as teaching aids.