Ms. BhawanaUpadhyay is a graduate in Physics and Bachelor of Education from Mumbai University. She has a wide experience in the field of education. She has been working in the field of education for the last 27 years in the schools of cities of Mumbai, Ahmedabad and Hyderabad. She has worked with the students for projects like : Design for change, ParyavaranMitra, International School Award, Swachhagraha, Earthian by Wipro etc. and won trophies for the same. She has written and directed many NukkadNataks along with students which were performed in public places and institutes like PRL, CEE. She is greatly responsible to shape the future of our students to learn and succeed by training our teachers and designing the co scholastic activities and competitions. She navigates crucial school years of Foundational and Preparatory stages with her determination, love and expertise. She is also the Innovation Ambassador of the school.
She believes that every child, easy or difficult can be moulded into a responsible and patriotic citizen through love and compassion. Her love for children makes the children love her in return. Her most followed belief is to lead by example.
The staff and students find her to be energetic, dynamic and approachable. She is proactive, determined and aggressive in work. She displays a friendly approach towards colleagues.
She is an avid reader of mostly nonfiction. She is also a passionate cook and has a YouTube channel dedicated for the same. In her free time she also loves to listen to hindi film songs. She spends some time daily for exercise or yoga. She also loves to write poetry if time permits.