
“Necessity is the mother of invention”

All of humanity’s discoveries and creations were developed because he felt compelled to use them. And that’s how even robots came into the picture. Certainly, most of the people, do not like to lift heavy loads, handle toxic substances and work in hazardous environments. To solve this problem of humans, invention of robots happened. Apart from being precise and consistent they can work in any environment, adding to their flexibility. They relieved humans from dull, dangerous and dirty tasks. Not just that, recent advances in robotics and AI are revolutionising business, society and our personal lives. This can be witnessed in various scenarios like: The development of robotic technology for nuclear inspection, space exploration and deep mining. State-of-the-art sensing, automation and robotics technology can greatly facilitate construction automation of infrastructure system.

Robots in agriculture aimed at bringing ‘agriculture revolution’, not by displacing farmers but by increasing the farmer’s added value while maximizing yield and optimising the use of natural resources. Sewers are another setting where robots are helping humans .They are also used in social care settings, to carry out functions like monetary long-term health conditions and even in A.I wheelchair. From self driving cars to robot buses already being trailled on (European) streets to drones set to create a whole new transport network in cities, the face of private and commercial travel is being changed. It even helps in day-to-day activities like cleaning, washing, sweeping, etc. However, along with such benefits, many of the issues related with robotics have been highlighted from time to time; like people becoming lazy, loss of jobs, etc. But are only robots responsible for us becoming lazy and not we are ourselves? Perhaps, we need to think again. Also, were loss of jobs are concerned, we need to make sure to ‘reskill’ people, so that they can become part of an industry where they can work peacefully rather than being compelled to jump into a sewer for their bread & butter. Thus, robotics has come a long way, from being a story to a reality; but now it’s on us to make it a boon or a bane. If its allowed to control our lives completely, they can be disastrous but if used effectively, then they can prove to be a blessing for the entire humankind!

By- Farhan Haider Saiyed

9th B- (14)

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